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Pick Your Own Event!
run, walk, hike, cycle or even roll
Through exercise, endurance and philanthropy, members of Team McGraw participate in a variety of athletic events, walks, hikes, marathons, to 5Ks, as a means to promote awareness and raise funds to support the Tug McGraw Foundation mission and its initiatives.


Athletes who run as part of Team McGraw are required to raise a minimum of $250.00 in support of the Tug McGraw Foundation's mission.
Participant receives:
• Team McGraw T-shirt
• Team McGraw Bracelet & Shoelaces
• Personalized Fundraising Web Page
• Fundraising Incentives and Awards
• $250 Team McGraw Beanie
• $500 Team McGraw Teck Jacket
• $1000 Personalized Tug McGraw Silver Cuff Baseball Bracelet
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