Taxodium Distichum is the latin name for the Bald Cypress trees, a native of Louisiana, usually found in Swampy Areas because of its ability to absorb any type of soil, but yesterday, the 15th of October, in the Tug Mcgraw Brain Food Garden, it was part of a costume, worn by Bob Heiss, that won him first place in a contest, and gave the rest of us who were already enjoying a stimulating afternoon, something to think about.

1st Annual Swamp Stomp in Tug's Brain Food Garden

The "Swamp Stomp" theme was a great way to start off the quarterly get together, bringing the residents, as well as locals to what has become our local gathering place to "let the good times roll", where we not only heard the strains of "Jambalaya" on the loud speakers, but were also able to taste the Jambalaya rice and beans, along with shrimp gumbo, crawfish Etoufee, and Boudin creole links that were catered in for the event by Angeline's Louisiana Kitchen in Berkeley, and as always there were vegetarian choices as well.

Best Costume and Raffle winners will be treated to Angeline's Louisiana Kitchen this winter in Berkeley.
TMF's CEO, Jennifer Brusstar, cleverly coated cupcakes and homemade foster banana bread slices were able to cool down our taste buds afterwards.
It has been quite a week for the Tug Mcgraw Foundation, what with the Mixed Nutts Softball Exhibition Game at Fleet Week and the Art Show reception last week, and now the gathering at the Brain Food Garden.
Softball and Art and Gators...OH MY!
I could not help but think back to my days working in Travel, when events like these happened all the time, but now I am blessed to be here in the Vets Home, and events like the ones mentioned above are still keeping my body and mind stimulated.

Pearl Harbor Survivor, Don Long asking residents to send a card to deployed Armed Forces
After the food was finished and the prizes were awarded, Jennifer Brusstar introduced Mr. Don Long, a Pearl Harbor Survivor, who lives in Yountville with his grandson. He asked us to participate in the "Operation: With Love from Home" project, which sends care packages to the men and women overseas who are fighting for our freedom, by sending letters or cards to them, as Vets who have fought in wars, to thank them and to let them know that we have been where they are now. Cards can be turned into the Activities Office through November 15th.

It has been only a day since the gathering in the garden, but I know that I will be coming back often, to stimulate my body by walking over there, and my mind by meditating on the beauty and peacefulness of this lovely spot, and the chickens only enhance the memory of growing up in the midwest, where sounds from the lawnmower and the singing of birds became background noises when I wanted to sleep in on a Saturday morning.
Home Administrator Lisa Peake gets in the spirit with a gator tail!
Veterans Bruce and Jon hamming it up, Beautiful veteran spouse Lynn Ford, and a trio of trouble...Veteran Ali and Veteran spouses Barbara and Millie.
Thanks to all the hard working folks at the Tug McGraw Foundation, for giving us a great event, for creating a place for us to meditate, and for growing food that will keep us full...
Be There Next Year for SWAMP STOMP 2020!