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Tug McGraw Foundation: Home is where the Heart and Brain Wellness Is-Giveaway

to further brain wellness for the veterans at the Veterans Home of California, Yountville (Home) the Tug McGraw Foundation (TMF) together with Kelley O'Brien's CLOSET + HOME CURATION gave away services and organizing products for one lucky resident to help organize their room to its fullest potential. Kelley, Bay Area professional organizer, did not stop with one give away, she surprised the residents by giving away two!


The pilot "giveaway" was offered to 300 plus domiciliary residents at the Home. Entry tickets and entry boxes were distributed to each of their buildings. " We were so excited to see over 150 residents entered. Covid restrictions have taken a hard toll on this senior veteran community, we feel as if we have cracked a small code in finding ways to optimize their brain wellness." said, Jennifer Brusstar, CEO of the Tug McGraw Foundation.

Participants had to be present to win. The winner was announced on February 7, 2022 at the Heroes Cafe, where the Tug McGraw Foundation was holding their Valentine's Day cookie decorating event, "We bake, You Decorate, We Ship."

Click here, to view all photos from the cookie decorating class

Participants had the opportunity to ask Kelley questions and were anxious to hear about her organizing philosophy and what her clients want most when it comes to organizing. Kelley said, "closets, it is always about closet space and how best to maximize." As the clock neared drawing time11:30am, residents joked around in who was going to be the biggest challenge for Kelley. She laughed and told them, "Bring it on, I've seen everything and welcome it all."

Kelley O'Brien taking room organization questions

At approximately 11:35am, Jennifer drew the name and had a little fun with the crowd, "Oh boy...this is someone that lives in Section D that has a lot of fishing stuff!" Immediately, it appeared they all knew it would be Norm Laniwicz. Norm was all smiles, yet you could sense he was a bit nervous. Kelley was so taken by everyone's participation that she wanted to give a second opportunity to a female. The crowd clapped with joy and excitement as Jennifer drew the second name, Barbara Corfe.

Barbara Corfe thrilled to hear she won, Ali cheering on the surprise!

Both winners will consult in advance with Kelly and identify their organization needs, discuss the plan and execute on a mutually agreed upon date.

Winners: Barbara Corfe and Norm Laniwicz with Kelley O'Brien

Kelly and TMF to follow all covid policies of the Home as well as room policies on decor. Prize includes: consult, organizing products and labor to organize rooms. "It's our hope to continue in offering these opportunities to all the residents and want to thank Kelley for this incredible "brain wellness" gift." Jennifer Brusstar.

Why an Organized Room is Good for Brain Wellness

Brain wellness provides us the chance to be the best version of ourselves and make positive lifestyle changes. According to a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who described their homes as cluttered, messy, and full of unfinished projects were also more depressed, tired, and stressed out than those who described their homes as restorative and clean. To have optimal brain function, one must focus on not just the brain, but the whole person – brain, mind, body, and spirit.

Click here, To learn more about Kelley and Closet + Home

Further readings on Brain Wellness and Health

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Cleaning

Click here, to read

1 Kommentar

25. Mai 2022

Nice post

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