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Spirited Mixed Nutts Team Knocks Another Season Outta the Park!

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

When you attend a Mixed Nutts softball game here at the Yountville Veterans Home, spirit is exactly what you’ll feel: tons of heart, light-hearted bantering, and no shortage of laughter. This is a team of folks who know how to have a good time on the home’s historic Borman Field.

Age does not matter when it comes to the Mixed Nutts! The range 59 to 93 years old

Started a few years back by a group of veteran residents, the Mixed Nutts team was created out of a shared love of the game and a way to get some exercise, connect with the local community and have some fun. This summer’s season was no different.

The Tug McGraw Foundation (TMF) naturally ‘adopted’ the Mixed Nutts team and has become one of its biggest supporters. Certainly the kind of team that Tug would have fully endorsed and encouraged anyone to join! That’s the special part about the Mixed Nutts – veterans and members of the community from all walks of life take part in the season. Young, old, injured, wheelchair-bound, busted knees, semi-pro or first-timer… you name it, there’s always a way to participate in the game!

Mixed Nutts and the Challengers

Over the course of the summer’s five games, the Mixed Nutts played with the Yountville Firefighters, the Challenger’s League, and the Napa Silverados baseball team. Not only did Monday evenings provide ‘bat therapy’, it also served as an opportunity to socialize with members of the local community in a unique setting. Those in the stands could also enjoy the camaraderie – as TMF’s CEO Jennifer Brusstar would serve as the game’s announcer - always providing a colorful narrative for each player up at bat. National anthem presentation, raffle prizes, free hot dogs, burgers, soft drinks and ice cream were also a draw for both the players and spectators. This season TMF provided 600 meals to players and spectators, and some amazing raffle prizes – including a signed guitar by Tim McGraw and tickets to Tim and Faith’s summer concert tour.

While the summer season is over, the Mixed Nutts already have plans in play for four games this fall, and on August 10th, TMF will transport the team over to Silverados Field where they will be honored at a special Veterans Day game. The Nutts have been selected to show off their uniqueness for a special exhibition game during San Francisco’s FleetWeek, Thursday, October 4th at Moscone Field. We’d like to express our deep appreciation to those in the community who took part in the Mixed Nutts summer season and we hope to see you again in the fall!

The Mixed Nutts and the Silverados Baseball Team

High Five!

We’d also like to give a huge shout-out to the 2018 High Five Tour, an eight month, 25,000 mile mobility-equipped Ford F-150 Raptor that is traveling around the country, meeting our country’s veterans and their families. Our very own Mixed Nutts team had the opportunity this month to meet up with the High Five vehicle and read all the messages written on the truck in support of our nation’s vets. We’ll continue to track the High Five Tour and look forward to the moment when they donate the truck to a combat-wounded veteran in need this upcoming veterans day in NYC. The Tug McGraw Foundation and our Mixed Nutts team were thrilled to be a part of the experience!


9/11 Napa Chaplain
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