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Tug McGraw Foundation's 2021 Impact: Where we are Headed and How You can Help in 2022

Ya Gotta Believe, we are going on 17 years as a foundation. As we all know, The COVID-19 pandemic continued to dominate much of 2021. Unfortunately, brain cancer and brain-related trauma does not go away during a pandemic. We saw a greater need in 2021 to further resources and education to improve quality of life for individuals affected by brain-related trauma and tumors. But there were still plenty of moments at the Tug McGraw Foundation that brought us smiles, laughter, victory and love. This could not have happened without YOU, our Sponsors, Donors and Volunteers. Thank you FiServ, Home Depot Foundation, Habitat for Humanity Napa-Solano, Jelly Belly Candy Company, Philadelphia Phillies Charities, American Airlines , Virginia High Performance, Duke Medicine, UCSF Medicine, Stanford Medicine, Susie Busch-Transou, the Rudd Family Foundation. Napa Valley Baseball Club , Horn Heart Foundation , Cohen Veterans Network Clinics Chef Bob Hurley, Hint Water, Canine Guardians , David Arthur Vineyards, Silver Trident Winery, CalVet Yountville, the Yountville Community and Tim McGraw.

PILLAR ONE: Brain Wellness Programs

Provided sustainable brain wellness and brain engaging programs that help improve cognitive functions, physical fitness, food choices, as well as spiritual and social.

To further Brain Health, in 2021 We Grew Things, Socialized, Played Ball, Built a Float, Decorated Cookies and Saved a Historical Tree or Two

2021 Brain Food Garden Highlights

The Tug McGraw Brain Food Garden is more than just a garden. Not only did it produce over 10 harvests for residents and employees at the Yountville Veterans Home in 2021, it contributed dirt for the final touches of Borman Field's pitching mound. Tomatoes for their snack shack and was the perfect summer setting for Major League's Baseball Alumni's Pancake Breakfast and the Taste of Pride events.

  • Picked and distributed over 10 harvests for residents their staff and the firehouse

  • Provided veggies for the Borman snack shack and dirt for the field

  • Held 2 outdoor garden events for Yountville Veterans Home residents, Taste of Pride and the MLB Alumni Pancake Breakfast.

  • Provided a safe outdoor meeting space for families during the pandemic

  • Completed (Habitat for Humanity Napa-Solano and Home Depot Foundation) the Yoga platform, green house and sidewalks

  • Refurbished/Upgrade (2) raise beds by volunteer veteran (materials supplied by Home Depot Foundation and Habitat for Humanity Napa-Solano)

  • Landscape improvement by resident veteran who planted eco friendly plants in the creative arts area of the garden

  • Grew a pod of gourds for veteran/artist Bob Bischoff

  • Provided a Holiday Cookie decorating class for 25 veteran residents using ingredients from the garden

2022 Brain Food Garden Needs and What's Ahead:

  • 2022 Garden sign-ups

  • Starter plants, top soil, volunteers, funding/sponsorship for (4) educational events in the garden

  • Summer scarecrow making

  • 4 social events around harvest pickings

  • Chicken food

2021 Mixed Nutts Highlights: Playing for the Love of the Game and Brain

Despite many schedule changes due to COVID rules, The Tug McGraw Foundation's Senior Team, the Mixed Nutts brought their "A" game to Borman Field. This unique group of seniors and community players continued to demonstrate how an intergenerational game of softball can benefit both mental and physical health.

2022 Mixed Nutts and Creative Art Needs and What's Ahead:

  • Mixed Nutts sign-ups

  • Mixed Nutts 2022 schedule

  • Volunteers, players, sponsors for uniforms, sponsors for snack shack meals,

  • Parade float committee,

  • Yountville Sip "n" Stroll veteran artists

PILLAR TWO & THREE: Resources and Education

Maximize collaboration opportunities and to further education for healthcare providers, students and individuals engaged in sustaining and advancing evidence based treatments for civilians, veterans, military, and their families that are affected by brain-related trauma and or tumors.

2021 Resources and Education Highlight

  • In January of 2021, the Tug McGraw Foundation's, CEO Jennifer Brusstar visited Virginia High Performance (VHP) a four week program that TMF supports that aims to build resilience in areas of sleep, nutrition and physical fitness. During her visit Jennifer sat down with host Ira S. Pastor from Progress, Potential and Possibilities and VHP founder Alex Oliver. Together they discussed Tug McGraw and her personal story on the event that broke her resilience and how VHP played a major role in building it back. Click here, to watch interview.

  • Connected 16 individuals diagnosed with a brain tumor to receive a second opinion from a major institution

  • Provided travel for 7 college students to attend the Navy SEALs annual Health Impact Forum in San Diego, CA.

  • Attended and participated in USSOCOM's cancer symposium in Tampa, FL

  • Brought together resources to further the Dream Flight experience for 9 WW2 veterans at the Napa County Airport

  • Brought in Active Duty Navy SOF Operator to speak at Allied Council Meeting

  • Participated in Guy Fieri's Giving Back Day in Santa Rosa, CA

2022 Needs and What's Ahead

  • Funding to send 10 veterans/first responders through VHP's (4) week program in Virginia Beach, VA.

  • TMF will continue to follow brain cancer, moral injury and trauma cases in military

  • Participate in Spring round table in DC. Topic: Cancer in the military

2021 Visitors and a Surprise Show

#ARealGoodMan, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'" Maya Angelou

Spring 2021: These three "brotherly apples" don't fall from the Tug McGraw tree. A fun afternoon giving the McGraw men, Mark, Matthew and Tim McGraw a tour of Tug's Brain Food Garden and Borman Field. In October, Tim McGraw together with the Tug McGraw Foundation provided a concert experience for COVID frontline workers and students from Meristem School.

2022 Needs and What's Ahead:

  • Be on the lookout in our event calendar for the Tug McGraw Foundation's Annual Fundraiser that will feature a McGraw and other friends!

  • New partnership with the Horn Heart Foundation

  • Sponsors, volunteers, auction items and participants.

Coming up next week-our 2021 Bluebird: How Yountville Senior Veterans joined forces with SOF Veterans, Community, CalVet, DGS and a Senior Arborist to Preserve the Trees of Memorial Grove.

Again, thank you to all our 2021 partners, collaborators, sponsors, donors and volunteers

Jennifer Brusstar and Tom Higgins

Ya Gotta Believe, Here's to an Incredible 2022!

Jennifer Brusstar and the Tug McGraw Foundation Board

To Get Involved in 2022 contact us at

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Jan 01, 2022


9/11 Napa Chaplain
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A non-profit 501(c)3 public charity, as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.

©2025 All rights reserved. Tug McGraw Foundation

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