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34 Creative Brains Head to San Francisco's Fleet Week

Updated: Aug 2, 2021


In conjunction with San Francisco's Fleet Week and the Academy of Art University, the Tug McGraw Foundation (TMF) for the third year in a row participated in Fleet Week's annual Veterans Art Exhibit at the Atelier Gallery Academy of Art University in San Francisco. The Veterans Art Exhibit at the Academy of Art University features original works by US Military Service members from World War II to the present, and those currently serving. The exhibit included 34 veteran artists from the Veterans Home of California, Yountville.

Click here, to view all VHCY Artwork.

On Friday, October 11, 48 Veteran artists and members from the Veterans Home of California, Yountville boarded an Evans' Wine Country bus for the artists reception and viewing event. As we entered the gallery, we were all impressed by the space and lighting that highlighted each piece of art. Immediately, we were greeted by

Susie Dodge, Logistics Coordinator for San Francisco Fleet Week who was waiting for our arrival. She then directed us to an incredible and delicious spread of hors d'oeuvres prepared for us by SF Kebab Mediterranean Grill catering. Their friendly and helpful staff kept everyones plates full and offered beverages to the art lovers.

TMF's CEO, Jennifer Brusstar expressed the importance of creative arts and the benefits it has on the brain, " it relieves stress, encourages creative thinking, increases brain plasticity, and imparts other mental health benefits. Fleet Week's annual art exhibit gives us an opportunity to further brain wellness and our mission.

Photo: VHCY Staff members, Crystal H, Barbara Field, US Navy and TMF's Jennifer Brusstar

It is true "brain bliss" to be apart of an exhibit that brings together WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm and Post 9/11 veteran artists."

Photo: Veteran Ron Andrini sharing a copy of his

USS Colorado with Mrs. Gambleton

I was so wrapped up in the stimulating conversations and art, that by the time I had made a complete circle of the exhibition, it was time for us to depart. What had been a boisterous group on the way to the city was a tired, but happy, group on the way home.

Photo: WWII US Navy Veteran and Artist, Dick Worthen chatting it up with Camp Pendleton Marines shipped up with the Navy for Fleet Week.

As always, thank you to Jennifer Brusstar of the Tug McGraw Foundation and all of the hard working volunteers, who helped frame artwork, categorize and load all of the artwork for their trip to the gallery.

Click here, to view all photos from the artists reception.


About the Tug McGraw Foundation

In addition to providing resources and education for individuals with brain-related trauma and tumors, the Tug McGraw Foundation creates wellness programs for residents at the Yountville Veterans Home of California. Each program helps veterans to improve their physical, cognitive, social and spiritual components of their health.

About San Francisco Fleet Week

The San Francisco Fleet Week Association (SFFWA) pays tribute to the women and men in uniform, and also focuses on ways to improve humanitarian assistance and educate about disaster preparedness.

About Academy of Art University

Established in 1929, Academy of Art University is the largest private accredited art and design school in the nation. Located in San Francisco, the epicenter of culture and technology, Academy of Art University has a diverse population of more than 16,000 students from around the world. Academy of Art University believes that all students interested in studying art and design should have the opportunity to do so, and its no-barrier admissions policy makes this possible. We welcome students from all over the world for our 30 programs and various degree levels.

About the Veterans Home of California, Yountville

Located in the heart of scenic Napa Valley, the Veterans Home of California-Yountville (VHC-Yountville) is a community of and for veterans. Founded in 1884, VHC-Yountville is the largest veterans’ home in the United States, offering residential accommodations with a wealth of recreational, social, and therapeutic activities for independent living. Some 1,000 aged or disabled veterans (both men and women) or World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom now live at the home.

9/11 Napa Chaplain
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