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Tug McGraw Brain Blog
Sharing stories on TMF programs and articles on brain-trauma, tumors and wellness.
"I have no trouble with the twelve inches between my elbow and my palm. It's the seven inches between my ears that's bent." Tug McGraw

Treating “Moral” Injuries
Understanding the differences may be key in developing more effective treatments for veterans suffering from war-related trauma.

F-35s, The Blue Angels and Tug's Mixed Nutts Make an Appearance at San Francisco's 2019 Flee
As the Navy's elite force, the Blue Angels and the F35 teams were doing practice runs in the great blue yonder; down below another type

Gators Invade Tug's Brain Food Garden for the First Annual Swamp Stomp
Taxodium Distichum is the latin name for the Bald Cypress trees, a native of Louisiana, usually found in Swampy Areas because of its ability

34 Creative Brains Head to San Francisco's Fleet Week
In conjunction with San Francisco's Fleet Week and the Academy of Art University, the Tug McGraw Foundation (TMF) for the third year in a...

Napa's Bay-Friendly Garden Tours Discovers Tug's Secret Brain Food Garden
Presented by Napa County Resource Conservation District, City of Napa Water Division, Town of Yountville, and the UC Master Gardeners,...

Tug McGraw's Mixed Nutts Team-Making a Difference for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum.
For many of these students on the autism spectrum it was the first time they stepped on to a field, sang the anthem, raised the flag, called

Golden Hills Mustang Club donates baseball equipment to The Tug McGraw Foundation’s Mixed Nutts for
Photo: Golden Hills Mustang Club presented equipment to the Mixed Nutts on Super Bowl Sunday. YOUNTVILLE, California—The Tug McGraw...

Why Social Connections are Good for the Brain
According to UCLA Professor, Matthew Liberman, A growing body of research shows that the need to connect socially with others is as basic as

Watch: To Find Out Who Crashed Our Fall Garden Party!
Hmm.. .one who is known for his black cowboy hat, the other for thumping his thigh believing!

Admiral James Winnefeld (ret) Delivers Keynote Remarks, "We are Stronger together than apart."
On August 30th, 2018, veteran residents, employees, key partners and volunteers were briefed on Home Administrator Fred Just's Five-Year
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